Operation Art | Operation Artists

July 4 2015 — September 13 2015

Daisy Potter, Teddy B, aged 7, Hamilton North Public School
Daisy Potter, Teddy B, aged 7, Hamilton North Public School

Operation Artists showcases artworks created by young people while recent patients at either John Hunter Children’s Hospital or Maitland Private Hospital.

Made in a time and space by young people who were temporarily out of their familiar environment, these artworks talk to us about the need for beauty and activity when our living situation changes.

The artworks here have been created with the assistance and encouragement of art therapists who, as artists with particular training and skills, are able to provide a participatory and nurturing creative environment with the patient or groups of patients in the hospital setting.

Maitland Regional Art Gallery would like to thank the artists, John Hunter Children’s Hospital and Maitland Private Hospital for their participation in this exhibition.