Beauty From Nature: art of the Scott sisters

December 13 2013 — February 23 2014

Harriet Scott, Zeuzera macleayi. Current name: Endoxyla eucalypti (Herrich-Schäffer), Cossidae. Watercolour & ink. ©Australian Museum Archives
Harriet Scott, Zeuzera macleayi. Current name: Endoxyla eucalypti (Herrich-Schäffer), Cossidae. Watercolour & ink. ©Australian Museum Archives

Australian Museum Touring Exhibition hosted by Maitland Regional Art Gallery.

Beautiful and intricate, this stunning exhibition features more than 50 delicate watercolours, as well as rarely-seen notebooks, handwritten manuscripts, sketches and letters, which together form a fascinating record of the lives of Harriet (Hattie) and Helena (Nellie) Scott. Experience exquisite illustrations of butterflies, moths, caterpillars and  plants by two of 19th century Australia’s most prominent natural history artists in Beauty from nature: art of the Scott sisters.