Faith, fashion, fusion: Muslim women’s style in Australia
November 28 2015 — February 28 2016
Faith, fashion, fusion: Muslim women’s style in Australia, a travelling exhibition developed by the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences, Sydney.
From swimwear and denim to elegant red carpet dresses, Faith, fashion, fusion: Muslim women’s style in Australia showcases the emerging modest fashion market and the work of a new generation of Muslim designers and entrepreneurs making a mark on the local fashion industry with their stylish clothing ranges for Muslim women.
Glynis Jones, curator of Faith, fashion, fusion at the Powerhouse Museum, said: “The words ‘faith’ and ‘fashion’ do not often appear in the same context. This exhibition illustrates they are not incompatible; ‘modest fashion’ is one of the global fashion industry’s largest growth areas.”
“It’s also interesting to see the market for these designers is not limited to Muslim women but has broader appeal for woman looking for looser fitting fashionable clothing that offers more coverage.”
The exhibition was developed in consultation with a wide range of individuals from Australian Muslim communities and organisations who provided advice and assistance and generously gave their time to share stories, lend objects and take part in the filming and fashion shoots that make the exhibition so visually and emotionally rich.
This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body.
28 November 2015 – 28 February 2016