Dementia Navigator

Maitland Regional Art Gallery 230 High Street, MAITLAND, nsw, Australia

The Dementia Care Navigator is a service that aims to make it simpler for Australians to learn about government-supported aged care services and how to access them

Understanding Dementia

Maitland Regional Art Gallery 230 High Street, MAITLAND, nsw, Australia

This session provides an introduction to dementia including an overview of different types of dementia, diagnosis, planning ahead and how...

Go Rogue

Maitland Regional Art Gallery 230 High Street, MAITLAND, nsw, Australia

A typographer, a photographer, a designer, a videographer and a writer walk into a new world where they have no instructions and they do what they please. First they built an exhibition, and now they're throwing a party at Maitland Regional Art Gallery! Don't miss an evening of roving rogue, when the artists of the Saturday Exhibition shout TGIF!

Upstage Youth Theatre’s BRAINSTORM

Maitland Regional Art Gallery 230 High Street, MAITLAND, nsw, Australia

$25 per person or $90 for a group of 4 MRAG is proud to be partnering with Upstage Youth Theater...

Portraiture Workshop with artist Ann Cape

Maitland Regional Art Gallery 230 High Street, MAITLAND, nsw, Australia

Join artist Ann Cape from exhibition An Unending Shadow: Works Exploring Dementia, in an intimate skills based portraiture workshop. Hone your...
