Chris Kunko | Thinking of an old friend
August 1 2020 — November 12 2020
Thinking of an Old Friend is a song by Japanese guquin player Wu Jinglue and is the inspiration for Kunko’s Maitland exhibition. At the same time of hearing that song, Kunko was scribbling down poems that were breathing life into locked away imagery and recent drawings. Metaphorically a mixed play list was being shuffled together, a subjective flow between his writing and drawings had engaged, all the time being mindful of words and how imagery relates to them.
An infinite lifetime of displaced images is stored in our head. Kunko’s finished works are a representation of these displaced images, drawing parallels to reoccurring behaviours performed in the everyday. The title of each work is not the absolute literal meaning, rather an embossing of a remembered link between the song Thinking of an Old Friend with his observations