Debra Luccio: The dancing line

October 24 2013 — December 15 2013

Debra Luccio, En Pointe (2010) Monotype & Etching Ink on Velin Arches 118 x 79cm (Rachael Walsh, Queensland Ballet)
Debra Luccio, En Pointe (2010) Monotype & Etching Ink on Velin Arches 118 x 79cm (Rachael Walsh, Queensland Ballet)

The Dancing Line offers a unique look at dance as seen through the eyes of an artist. Luccio’s drypoints, etchings and monotypes reveal the figure in every stage of creation, from class to rehearsal to performance, allowing the viewer an unusually wide view of the dancers’ immersive strain and commitment to the creation of beauty on stage.

Luccio’s work is inspired through her collaboration with The Australian Ballet, Queensland Ballet and the New York City based Rebecca Kelly Ballet Tiffany Mills Company.