Mir Giz Kemerkemer Opged Lam Zenadh Kes (Stories from the Eastern Islands – Torres Strait) | Toby Cedar
18 March – 28 May
March 18 2023 — May 28 2023
As a Torres Strait Islander and now Maitland local, artist Toby Cedar finds deep connection between art, community and culture. This exhibition will present new works celebrating Eastern island culture by way of traditional and contemporary art forms. As well as surveying traditional histories of masks, headdresses, myths and legends, Toby will bring to life these stories with sculpture, carvings, dance and new technologies.
Toby has designed three learning experiences for school groups of all ages.
Monday workshops with Toby, dates: 27 March Booked Out, 3 April Booked Out, 8, Booked Out & 22 May
If you would like to book a class visit for other dates we maybe able to accomodate you but it is subject to Tobys avaliblity.
To book a workshop for your class contact the Art Gallery, via email artgallery@nullmaitland.nsw.gov.au or call 4934 9859.
Monday workshop options: (select one option)
1. A.R Presentation (1 hour)
Toby will lead the group around the exhibition space explaining the stories behind his four Augmented Reality works. He will then encourage students to interact with the artwork using their phone/device.
2. Dreamtime Stories (1 hour)
This presentation focuses on four art works in the exhibition. Toby will guide students through the space, pausing at each of the four pieces to tell the traditional dreamtime story represented.
3. History of the masks (45 min, recommended for year 10 – 12 high school students and adults)
In this presentation Toby reflects on the history and importance of masks in Torres Strait Island culture, exploring their uses, as well as their theft and destruction by colonisers. Students will discover the stories behind old and new masks and gain an appreciation of how the practice of mask making lives on in contemporary society.
Teachers Preview with Toby Cedar
Thursday 16th of March 5pm – 6pm
This tour will assist teachers to understand the programming and learning opportunities that this exhibition offers.
Autumn 2023 – Exhibition opening event (Auslan sign interpreted)
Friday 24 March 2023, 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Free | Bookings required
Maitland Regional Art Gallery warmly invites you to join us for the official launch of the Autumn program, including a traditional Torres Strait Island Song and Dance performance and four exhibitions.
Register+This exhibition is supported by the Australia Council for the Arts