Operation Art

September 16 2017 — November 19 2017

Geri Wright, My football hero (detail), Northlakes High School, Year 10

Every year children from Kindergarten to Year 10 attending schools across New South Wales are invited to participate in Operation Art, an initiative of The Children’s Hospital at Westmead in association with the New South Wales Department of Education.

Operation Art asks children to make artworks that are cheerful, uplifting and appropriate for display in hospitals.   From the artworks submitted a touring exhibition of 50 artworks is selected for a regional tour and this year the exhibition will be shown in Sydney, Broken Hill, Cowra, Port Macquarie and Wollongong as well as Maitland.  At each venue a separate group of Operation Art artworks created by students from schools in the region is presented to a local public hospital.

This year a group of Operation Art artworks will be presented to Maitland Public Hospital

16 September – 19 November 2017