Peter And Fairlie Kingstion: A Shared Childhood
July 22 2011 — September 11 2011

Maitland Regional Art Gallery (MRAG) and Maitland City Council (MCC) is pleased to bring to Maitland a retrospective exhibition of two sibling award winning artists Peter Kingston and Fairlie Kingston. Two years in the planning this exhibition includes over 70 artworks sourced from almost 40 different private and public art collections from across NSW and Queensland. This exhibition is the annual exhibition sponsored by Farrow Wyatt Chartered Accountants and their support has underpinned MRAG’s ability to bring this collection of stunning artwork to Maitland.
The Kingstons spent an idyllic childhood by Sydney Harbour and the effect it has had on what they make in art is both palpable and very, very individualistic. Here was a constant narrative, a spectacle and celebration that could illicit unique art, first by Peter, and a little later in life by Fairlie. They both create wondrous sets and scenes. He uses paint, watercolour and moving parts in box constructions and unique chess sets; she forms clay tiles, lighthouses and decorated vases.