Sylvia Ray | Play
July 29 2017 — October 8 2017

Art, on one level, is play. That is the central theme of my work and the rationale behind making it. A large and growing body of scientific research demonstrates that play is essential for human health and that creative play is the most therapeutically beneficial form of play. This is equally true for adults as for children. The play function of art has been under-recognised for its benefits in modern society’s health and development. The tendency to put art on a pedestal has often constrained the potential of art to enhance the well-being of individuals and the community.
In this exhibition I ask you to not interpret the works as art but as play things. They can only fulfil their function when they are played with. You are welcome to touch, feel, explore and most importantly to play with them and have fun.
Inspired by insights gained while watching the contrast in behaviour between people attending static art exhibitions and those attending interactive displays; this project is intended to harness human curiosity and delight in play.
The artworks are whimsical variations on conventional or traditional musical instruments. They are constructed from casts from various body parts of my family and friends. A variety of clays have been used, from fine porcelain to reclaimed clays along with found objects. They each have their unique resonance and musical qualities.
29 July – 8 October 2017