Tiger Palpatja
June 6 2020 — July 26 2020
Tiger Palpatja (c.1920-2012) was one of the 20th century’s great artists, law-keepers, political leaders, healers and spiritual teachers, however his personal domain – his Dreaming Country at Piltati – is scarcely known. Palpatja’s exuberant paintings have changed that for perpetuity and document Piltati’s multilayered creation narratives of wanampi, the ancestral serpent.
On loan to MRAG from a private collector, this generous selection of eleven major works includes three collaborative paintings and three canvases by Palpatja’s granddaughters Sandra and Shirley Adamson. This shared custodianship delivers a visually splendid gift for present and future generations within and beyond the intimacies of desert life.