Malvika Satelkar
June 14 2025 — October 19 2025
Watered-up by Sea… is proposed as an alternative phrase for the word ‘flood’. In this installation, Malvika Satelkar is asking us to seek a different set of keys when experiencing ‘a flood’; that our language and use of the word fails to remind us that this excess of water was at one-point, fresh clean rainwater, an otherwise blessing for all living things.
As the rainwater pours in overwhelming and inconvenient quantities, we are shocked when this water refuses to stay inside the drawn lines on maps. Watered-up by Sea… also explores the ways of spiders, and how they respond to flooding. Inspired by their actions in flood events, Satelkar asks questions with her work.
” As we fail to fight ever-increasing rising water inundating land that has been under water in the past, how might we learn to embrace and live with flooding? ”